The Timeless Appeal of a Great Smile

Although little orphan Annie may have buoyantly declared “you’re never fully dressed without a smile,” aging can cause wear and tear on your teeth which may make you self-conscious about expressing your joy with a smile. Dental implants have become an increasingly popular way to replace damaged and/or missing teeth.

Dental implants replicate the root of your tooth by inserting an artificial root and connector post into your jaw bone. This is topped with a crown and has proved to be an exceptionally popular procedure, particularly as an alternative to dentures.

The benefits of choosing to get dental implants instead of dentures can include the following:

  1. A more natural appearance; the crown for your implant will be chosen to match your natural teeth.
  2. Smile security; as the implant is placed in your jaw, your tooth is more firmly rooted and secure.
  3. Oral ease; ill-fitting dentures can sometimes impact your ability to speak clearly. Implants are designed to fit perfectly in your mouth, eliminating these verbal difficulties and giving you more confidence.
  4. A permanent smile. Unlike dentures and bridges, dental implants are a permanent solution and with the right care, can last a lifetime.

No matter how old you are, dental implants can bring new radiance to your smile, ensuring that you’re not only fully dressed, but beautifully dressed.
