What is Holistic Dentistry?

Think of it as “whole body dentistry.” Dr. Shlafer and our dental team view Holistic Dentistry as an approach or a mindset, where we believe that every procedure that we do (or don’t do) can have a profound effect on other parts of your body. In this type of an approach every part of the body is connected, so when one part of the body is treated, we want to consider the consequences it could have somewhere else.

Many people can relate what they know about acupuncture and how those energy highways are accessed to help us feel better. Our teeth problems can also lead to stress and other health issues. We want to approach our patients with concern, and take more into account than just your teeth. We want our patients to be informed so you can make a decision based on what you feel is appropriate for you and your situation. Some of our goals are to discuss proper nutrition with our patients, which could lead to the elimination and prevention of dental and physical problems. We are seeking to rid our patients teeth of toxic materials-like old mercury amalgam fillings, and replacing them with bio-compatible dental materials, which minimize disturbances in your body. Another viewpoint of Holistic Dentistry is that your bite or mal-occlusion can greatly impact and add to physical disharmony. We will look at your bite in a different way-bite problems = physical imbalance. Think of what would happen if you walked around with a pebble in your shoe for 20 years and what the impact of that would be on your body. We also want to prevent and treat gum disease as a goal for Holistic Dentistry. The systemic effect of oral disease and infection is very important. If you have questions about any of these concerns, feel free to contact us.
